TeslaCorsa Returns To Salzburgring, Austria

TeslaCorsa 24 is scheduled for September 26th at the Salzburgring, Austria, providing our attendees an adrenaline-filled day of racing, fun, and great conversations between Tesla owners & racing drivers

After a highly successful first-year event, TeslaCorsa returns to Salzburgring, Austria for yet another adrenaline-filled Tesla track day. This is the second TeslaCorsa event in Europe and we are looking forward to seeing our fellow Tesla racers. The event is to take place on Monday, September 26, 2022. Our attendees will see an event-filled day, with 4 x 15-minute on-track sessions for each driver (60 minutes on-track with time to charge and chat with other drivers in between). Furthermore, professional race drivers will be on hand to help familiarize the drivers with the track, provide tips & advice on racetrack driving styles and help with the transition to a more performance-oriented driving style.

TeslaCorsa was founded to encourage Tesla owners to experience the limits of their cars in a professionally managed race track environment. By exploring the limits in a controlled environment we can ensure maximum fun and safety. In turn, you will be able to enjoy a day at the track surrounded by fellow Tesla friends and create great memories that will be captured by professional photographers and videographers.

For those interested in attending, you can sign up for the event here. Please beware, slots are limited and you should secure your spot as soon as possible!

You can grab a look at the atmosphere from last year’s event in the media gallery below.

TeslaCorsa 21 – Event Schedule – Sunday, March 6, 2022

Advanced TeslaCorsa Drivers – Please arrive charged and check-in by 7:10 am

Beginner and Intermediate TeslaCorsa Drivers – Please arrive charged and check in by 8:00am


7:30 AM TC Advanced Drivers Meeting (Mandatory)

8:20 AM TC Beginner and Intermediate Drivers Meeting (Mandatory)

8:25 AM TeslaCorsa Advanced – Session 1

9:00 AM TeslaCorsa Beginner – Meet Instructor

9:20 AM TeslaCorsa Beginner & Intermediate – Session 1

10:25 AM TeslaCorsa Advanced – Session 2 (download meeting 10m after session)

11:30 AM TeslaCorsa Beginner & Intermediate – Session 2 (download meeting 10m after session)

12:35 PM TeslaCorsa Advanced – Session 3 (TIME ATTACK)

2:10 PM TeslaCorsa Beginner & Intermediate – Session 3

3:15 PM TeslaCorsa Advanced – Session 4 (TIME ATTACK)

4:20 PM TeslaCorsa Beginner & Intermediate – Session 4

4:45 PM Group Photos

5:00 PM Course Closed

5:57 PM Sunset

TeslaCorsa 16

Schedule for TeslaCorsa 16 – August 1st Laguna Seca

Beginner and Intermediate drivers please arrive at the track fully charged between 8 and 8:45 AM.  Advanced drivers, please arrive between 7:30 and 8 AM.

TCA (Advanced Drivers) Required Meeting 8:20 AM

TCA Session 1 – 9:00 am

TCB (Beginner + Intermediate Drivers Required Meeting) 9:25 AM

TCB Session 1 – 10:05 am

TCA Session 2 – 11:30 am (followed by Required Driver’s Download Meeting)

TCB Session 2 – 12:55 am  (followed by Required Driver’s Download Meeting)

TCA Session 3 – 2:05 pm

TCB Session 3 – 3:10 pm

TCA Session 4  – 4:35 pm

TCB Session 4 – 5:35 pm